Las Fallas de Durro is a unique festive tradition held in the first week of June in the picturesque village of Durro. This celebration is characterised by its vivid display of fire, which symbolises purification and coincides with the summer solstice.
This tradition, although widespread throughout the valley, has a particular nuance in Durro, where an ancient custom of thanksgiving for the good harvests received is recalled. Fire, being the central element, represents purification and renewal, in line with the energy of the summer solstice.
The so-called "fallas" are torches made of pine wood, which are carried by the men of the village in an illuminated procession from the hermitage of Sant Quirc to the village. This practice symbolises guidance and protection against adversity.
The meandering descent begins at the hermitage of Sant Quirc, led by the fadrí major, followed by an entourage. The men of the village descend with lighted torches, creating a captivating visual spectacle that enhances the festivity.
Once in the village, the celebration reaches its climax with a communal meal and a folk dance, where villagers and visitors come together to commemorate tradition and camaraderie.
The Ball Pla is a traditional dance that becomes the focus of attention during the Festa Major held in September. This dance reflects the rich cultural heritage of the town and provides an opportunity for the community to come together and celebrate.
The dance, with its distinctive rhythm and choreography, is an expression of the joy and unity of the community. The Ball Pla not only honours tradition, but also provides locals and visitors with an enriching cultural experience.